Monday, October 1, 2012

Inspiration/ Ebba Zingmark

Okay, first I probably have to write a huge alpology letter to all of my folowers who have waited this long for a post. I'm really sorry, but, school started and I've been busy (sorry, I always say that, but It's true). There's a lack of new tutorials so when I find one new I promise, I will post it right away. Untill then I think I should make this blog a little more personal, and post things like my new fashion inspirations. There are some amazing people all around the wold! And this girl is just the  beggining. But, these kinds of posts won't be posted like, all the time, just once a month (maybe). Take a look at these gorgeous girl and her amazing & original fashion sense:

She's a 16 year old girl from a little town in northern Sweden. And besides being a student she's also working as a fashion blogger at the swedish fashion-site Visit it here. I love her blog because she is fearless when it comes to showing her style and she shows her complete personality throught her blog. Every post is well thought and I love to read them. She always creates original wearable combinations that I never thought that can be putted together! She is really talented, and I love her hair!

“At most I get my inspiration from my friends and people around me, and because the styles of the persons who inspires me is very varieted my own style gets very mixed. I love looking a little bit fairytale, but still in an edgy way” – Ebba 
the rest of the interwiew (x) 


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